
Monday, April 2, 2007

Crieteria of Sampling Design

This post is in reference to the post by Hemangi, named Criteria of sampling design- GO Measure Practical Economy! (Sunday, April 1, 2007)

Crieteria of Sampling Design is explained with the help of following

  • Goal Orientation: After seeing the picture one thing comes in mind that for every task there should be some specific goals,in order to complete it. Any research has a specific goal and based on it there are some objectives to fulfill the research.So sample should be choosen in such a manner it will fulfill the researcher's requirements.

  • Measurability :It refers if sample size is considerablely small or many a times may be larger, the results should be measured accurately.The sample size should be managed by the researcher easily.If it is too small then it is easy for him/her to find the results accurately but if it is too large then it is problematic for the researcher to correlate all the information.

  • Practicality: It is related to practicality of the research means the sample should be undergone the tsts.The samples should be actually engaged in a certain kind of work; practicing.

  • Economy:It will depend upon the sample size.larger the sample researcher will have to spend more time,money for research and smaller the sample it will be economical. Having look at the pictures we come to know that time,money and people(who are helping in research) are also an important factors.

1 comment:

Hemangi said...

You seem to have guessed almost what I wanted you all to guess..look out for my thoughts about it in my recent post